Tell us your story
This summer SCIP is proud to present The Beacon Show, a public arts trail of illustration, photography and written word, celebrating Seaford’s extraordinary landscape and the community who love and maintain it.
We want you to be part of The Beacon Show and are calling out for submissions of illustrations or written word inspired by the Seaford Coastline and created by young people aged 5 – 16.
The SCIP Youth members, the SCIP team and representatives of publishing house Rocket Bird Books will choose their favourite stories and illustrations to feature in the beach front exhibition all summer!
What can I write about?
We are on the hunt for stories or poems about Seaford Beach written by you! They can be about a day out you had there, or something you saw, or experienced? Perhaps a seagull once came and snatched your mum’s fish and chips? Or it was the first place you learned to ride a scooter. Maybe the Seaford Museum is your favourite place to visit, or you’re passionate about beach combing! We want you to tell us everything, and have fun building your story or poem using every detail you can think of!
What can I illustrate?
Illustration has few rules, and as long as you take your inspiration from the Seaford coastline we will consider every submission. You could draw a landscape picture or explore one small aspect of the beach. You may want to consider what lives in the water, or the skies. What sports happen on the beach, why do people visit the beach?
Click here for a FREE RESOURCE about what an illustration is and some inspiring artists to explore too - resource reccomended for KS3 KS4
How can I make my picture?
Your picture must be 2d, and can be drawn, painted, printed, collage – any medium that you like.
It must be on A4 size paper or card of any colour. You can work either landscape or portrait.
How do I submit my illustration or story?
The submissions deadline is Monday 28th February.
Step 1. Please ensure you have written your NAME, AGE, SCHOOL NAME (where applicable) on the back of your submission.
Step 2. Your school can collect all the submissions and arrange for the SCIP team to collect them for you on the 28th February by arrangement – please email to arrange a collection time for your school.
Alternatively illustration or hand written submissions can be posted to SCIP C/O Seaford Town Council, 37 Church Street, Seaford BN25 1HG. Written submissions can also be emailed to
Thank you so much for taking part in The Beacon Show. We are passionate about getting young people and children involved in all our projects and look forward to seeing what amazing artworks you all create! We will be in touch if you have been selected to be in the main arts trail.